Welcome to the
Online since November 7, 1995. Last updated April 23, 1997
Psychefunkapus fans can't be wrong! Or can they????
guessed it. This page is under construction.
You may be wondering to yourself, "Who the hell is Psychefunkapus, and
why do they have a web page???". I can answer those questions for you.
Psychefunkapus is, or, I should say, was, a San Fransisco Bay Area funk
band in the early 1990's. They put out two records on the Atlantic label,
Psychfunkapus (1990), and
Skin (1991), both of which are out of
print. Now, personally, I really don't
like funk music all that much. But this band was a little different. They
fused many different musical styles into the mix. Sometimes they'd be
punk, sometimes ska, sometimes metal, sometimes progressive, sometimes
rockabilly, and most of the time, brilliant.
You may or may not
believe this, but Jonnie Axtell (with Gene Genie) and Atom Ellis (who is
in a new band called Diesel Hed) emailed me!!! It seems
they are alive and well and on AOL (well, it's a start!!!). Very cool :)
Oh yeah, and whoever emailed me Paul's phone number, please send it
to me again...somehow I lost it, and Paul, if you're reading this,
I didn't call you because at the time I didn't have a phone...now I
do, and I'll be happy to call you up if I could get you number back
(and I think krk the photo guy would really really like your phone
number too!!!) Anyway, on with the page.

Coming Soon (and new additions!!)
I just added a links page because there's actually some other
Psychefunkapus stuff out there!!!
The lyrics to the first album are here!!I'm
missing 2 tracks though...haven't typed them up yet. I'm still trying to
figure out the chords to some of the songs on the albums that CJ didn't
send me....I have "Banana Slug King" totally figured out, but haven't
typed it out yet. And if I get Paul's phone number, maybe he can give me
more dirt on the early days (it seems the rest of the band (except for
Johnny) forgot all about little ole' me *sob*).I did get krk to send me some pictures though..If
you have anything to contribute, or if you just wanna say hi to a fellow
Psychefunkapus fan, by all means mail me!
I might even see if I can tape off the albums for you, since they are out
of print. Though I remember the happy day about a year and a half ago
when I found my copy of Psychefunkapus in my local record store's
used bin for a mere $3.92!!!! I've seen Skin in there for a
similar price before too, so if you look hard enough, you just might find
these CD's for not very much money. It's sad that their record company
doesn't care about them anymore, but that's how it goes sometimes :( Oh
yeah, and if I told you I'd send you a tape of my CD, I'm sorry I haven't
gotten it out yet, but I'm too broke to buy blank tapes right now...maybe
later! Sorry about that.
Thanks for the Links...
Patrick Glass